What the body signal about when papillomas grow on the body

Visible papillomas - this is a sign of processes taking place in the body that require urgent attention and referral to a specialist. Papillomas are benign growths that every third person on the planet is familiar with. In most cases, such elements cause only cosmetic discomfort, but sometimes they can develop dangerous diseases.

a man infected with the human papillomavirus virus

The mechanism of appearance of papillomas

Papillomas, condylomas and warts are formations that appear on the human body as a result of infection with the papilloma virus. An infectious pathogen is transmitted from a carrier to a healthy person in three ways:

  1. From mother to child at birth. This occurs in cases of genital warts in pregnant women. As a result, papillomas appear in the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, nose and respiratory tract of the child.
  2. Through family contacts. To be infected with the papilloma virus, it is enough to have close contact with the objects of an educated person on the body.
  3. During intercourse. The most common type of infection. The carrier of warts in intimate areas is usually a sexual consequence: the anal and genital areas. If found, you should immediately contact a gynecologist to prevent undesirable consequences: due to careless handling, trauma, and the likelihood of degradation in a neoplasm, can lead to the development of a cancerous tumor.

Small, invisible lesions on the skin or mucous membrane are sufficient to penetrate a person 's bloodstream.

For this reason, even protected sex cannot prevent disease.

sexual contact as a means of infection with the papilloma virus

Causes of papillomas

Human papillomavirus is a highly contagious disease. It is almost impossible to prevent infection. In the modern world, 8 out of 10 people have HPV. Far fewer people deal with skin growth.

To activate HPV, the body's natural defenses need to be weakened. Before the appearance of papillomas on the body is influenced by external and internal factors.

External factors

The causes of papilloma on the body can vary. Everything a person is exposed to can be attributed to external provocateurs:

  1. Use of cosmetic, hygiene, personal effects. This includes underwear, toothbrushes, towels, shaving with common razors, scissors for manicure, decorative cosmetics.
  2. Visit to public swimming areas: pools, baths, saunas, beaches. Walking barefoot increases the risk of skin damage.
  3. Salon and medical procedures. Lack of sanitary standards in institutions where reusable devices are used contributes to the transmission of viral infection. You can become infected in the beautician's office while doing the piercing. The eyelash extension procedure, which has become popular in recent years, will enhance the appearance of growths on the eyelid.
  4. Excessive sweating and wearing tight clothing. Sweat stimulates the appearance of microcracks in the skin. The virus intensifies such damage, forming papillomas in problem areas. People notice an increase in warts in the armpit (filamentous papillomas), under the breasts (hanging growth), in the lower abdomen, and in the groin area.
  5. Direct contact with entities. Contact can spread the virus throughout the body, increasing the number of warts.
  6. A woman transmits the human papillomavirus to a baby as it passes through the birth canal. If the growths are present in the mother in the genital area, cervix or vagina, there is every chance that the already infected baby will be born. This can happen if the papillomas are on the mother's breast.
  7. Sexual contact. A common type of HPV transmission from one partner to another. The more sexual partners a person has, the higher their chances of getting a viral infection.

Catching papillomavirus virus is not difficult. One cannot defend oneself against all motivating factors. To activate the virus, internal changes in the body must be stimulated.

A pregnant woman passes papillomas to her baby

Internal factors

Internal causes include processes leading to immune decline, activation of the infection.

  1. Acute bodily processes and taking pills. During treatment, the body's ability to resist pathogens is independently enhanced.
  2. Stress. Any shock or psychological experience results in impaired protective functions. As a result of strong experience or emotional turmoil, symptoms of various diseases arise, for example, the appearance of warts.
  3. Hypothermia or overheating. Body forces must be established on normal body temperature indicators. It is susceptible to any external factors.
  4. Pregnancy in women. After childbirth, the female body needs to weaken the immune system to prevent fetal rejection. In the context of such a condition, a favorable environment is often created for various infectious diseases, the symptoms of which have not been previously observed. Sometimes, after childbirth, the body recovers, inhibits pathogenic processes, the growths disappear on their own. Removing the growths is not recommended at this point, most removal methods are invasive.
  5. Hormonal changes. They can be done during puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, or as a result of illness.
  6. Poor nutrition. Lack of vitamins leads to dysfunction of some or all of the vital systems. Immunity drops. People suffer from diseases from the beginning of autumn-winter, when there is an acute shortage of useful products.
  7. Presence of bad habits present. Alcohol and smoking reduce the ability to fight pathogens. People with addiction, according to doctors, are more likely to suffer from papillomavirus.

Aspects of expression among men and women

There is no significant difference between viral moles. If they start climbing out on the head, neck, back, face, abdomen or limbs, it makes no difference who owns the papillomas - a woman or a man. There are some differences in the transmission of the virus and the damage to the genital area. The genitals have a delicate covering, they are easily injured during intercourse. According to specialist observations, the anal passage is more likely to be traumatized. The head of the penis is considered stable. Many homosexuals suffer from genital warts (acute warts on the legs).

In girls, growth can be seen on the papilla, labia, clitoris or vaginal cavity.

Without treatment, warts can merge and papillomatosis develops. The danger for women is the removal of the cervical warts. If the infection occurred with a type of virus with a high level of oncogenicity, there is a chance of developing cancer.

In men, growth affects the pubic area, the glans penis and the upper layers of the epidermis. The tumors are able to grow into the urethra, which triggers symptoms of the development of inflammatory processes, problems with urinary outflow.

Prevention of papillomas

It is almost impossible to prevent the appearance of growths on the body. The risk will be reduced according to a number of rules:

  • compliance with individual use norms objects =.
  • skin protection in public places;
  • proper nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • having a permanent sexual partner.

Girls who have reached puberty are advised to be vaccinated against dangerous forms of HPV that have a high level of oncogenicity. The vaccine is believed to prevent the development of cervical cancer. Home treatment cannot guarantee recovery. Traditional methods of therapy (herbal treatment) will alleviate external symptoms, but will leave the cause of the disease. If growth is seen on the body of unknown origin, you should consult a doctor in a medical facility. The doctor will prescribe a timely cure for the virus.

To avoid health problems, you should be mindful of your body. If a person receives a signal from the body when viral papillomas appear on the body, it should not be ignored. You need to seek help immediately from a specialist. An experienced physician will select, on the basis of a diagnostic examination, an up-to-date method of treatment.